You can also select several rows ( keep Control button down while selecting) and delete them all at once. 您还可以选择一些行(在选择时一直按住Control键),然后一次性将它们全部删除掉。
For a pushbutton control, a state change means that while the mouse button is down and directly over the control, the button will enter and remain in the pushed state. 对于一个按钮控件,状态改变意味着当鼠标按键在控件之上按下时,按钮进入或保持按下的状态。
We could even get wacky and embed interactive controls like a Calendar control within the Button 我们甚至可以搞些古怪,在按钮内嵌入可交互的象日历这样的控件
All functions are controlled by a simple control button arrangement mounted on the front panel. 所有功能均可由前面板上的简洁的控制按钮来操作。
Realization of Bistable Control with Single Button 用PLC实现双稳态功能的单按钮启/停控制
Press and hold each button on your set-top box remote control for the button we display below. 按住下面显示的机顶盒遥控器上的每个按钮。
Press out control button with a screwdriver. 使用螺丝刀压出控制按钮。
Control is a more complex control than the button, text box, and label you have been working with and illustrates some further capabilities of server controls. 控件是比您使用过的按钮、文本框和标签更加复杂的控件,并且阐释了服务器控件的一些其他功能。
Computerized control and monitor system will provide purchase or job order memory and quick change by touching screen and control button when necessary. 触摸屏和电动按钮多重控制,可储存订单,换单快捷、调整方便。
With a remote control button box for ensuring a flexible operation, it is an ideal glass handing tool. 该吸盘吊架,备有远程控制按钮盒,可保证高度的操纵灵活性,是平板玻璃搬运的理想工具。
In the preceding screen shot, notice that each control has a button in its title bar that exposes a drop-down menu. 在上面的屏幕快照中,请注意每个控件在其标题栏中都有一个显示下拉菜单的按钮。
In the instrument cluster, set the hours by turning the right control button with the clock icon to the left or right. 在组合仪表中,通过向左或向右旋转带有时钟图标的右控制按钮来设置小时。
Note that the control button will be damaged during removal. 注意,拆卸过程中会损坏控制按钮。
Under the control of the button, through the mouse to draw a line and round, easily. 在按钮的控制下,通过鼠标拖动来画直线和圆,轻松自如。
It is suggested to add Protect control button; 有人建议应该添加一种“掩护”控制按钮;
Main reverse control button of turnout; 道岔总反位操纵按钮;
When the report renders, a sort control button appears on the column heading, and the report reader can click the button to sort the data. 报表呈现时,列标题上将显示排序控件按钮,报表读者可以单击此按钮对数据进行排序。
The handle of the foldable screwdriver is provided with a control button which is used for controlling switching-on and shutting down of the tool bit. 其刀柄上装有控制揿钮来控制刀头的开启和关闭,使用非常方便。
3-D button shape you can add text to. Control handle adjusts button depth. Resize button to fit text. 可向其添加文本的三维按钮形状。控制手柄可调整按钮深度。根据文本调整按钮的大小。
The toolbar control will extract the button image from this bitmap. 工具栏控件将从这个位图中展开这些按钮图片。
Bridge control request push button 驾驶室控制请求按钮
Steel tape rule with control button in plastic case 带控制按钮的塑料壳钢卷尺
Main locating and control button of turnout; 道岔总定位操纵按钮;
Talking about the improvement of the line method of magnetic force starter control button 浅淡磁力起动器控制按钮接线方式的改进
The system has advantages such as mouse control, push button operation, pop up menu selection, windows prompt and all Chinese character desktop. 该系统用鼠标控制,按钮式操作,弹出式菜单选择,弹出窗口提示,全中文平台。
Design of Dust Ignition-Proof Control Push-Button 粉尘防爆控制按钮的设计
Rebuilding a Electric Control System of the Elevator with Automatic Door and Floor Being Chosen by Control Button 选层按钮控制自平自动门电梯电气控制系统的改造
User machine transmits the alarm information with the control of emergency button, center machine receives and identifies the calling number automatically, prompt the alarm information and help relevant scheduling. 报警系统用户机采用紧急按键控制警情发送,中心机自动识别主叫号码,提示管理人员警情信息并进行相关调度。
Complete procedures for PIC microcontroller used to control a button, frequency acquisition module, liquid crystal display and other functions. 对单片机编写程序,完成了按键、频率采集、液晶显示等功能。
TV media competition has entered the "buffet age", the audience choose depends on the orientation of the remote control button on behalf of satisfaction. 电视媒体竞争已进入自助餐时代,观众的选择取决于代表满意度取向的遥控器按钮。